Monthly Archives: July 2014



I’m finding that fundraising is just about a full time job! I am not very good at it and hope that in the future I will get better at it? Trying to raise money for our 501c3 and for the cargo bikes has been really hard for me. Approaching people and asking for money is hard with the economy the way it is, and I don’t think things will get much better anytime to soon? What I think is, if that is the case, then what is to become of all the people forced to eat garbage and food that is empty, or the food that is so GM, GMO or GE that it is just killing them? I believe the whole Genetically Modified Movement is just a way for our Government to manage death! You start putting pesticides in food then pretty soon all those organisms that help digest your food and all those pro-biotic and every other good organism in your body will disappear, and then your body will start to malfunction and shut down, and just like that you are in the system! What’s next? Hospitals, Pharmacies, and most of us would get buried under the costs and never get out alive! Eating food that is good for our bodies is a RIGHT, and what’s happened is that it has become a PRIVILEGE, reserved only to the people that can afford to buy “organic” or “naturally grown”, and let me tell you those people are not the ones on a budget, of any kind! I challenge you to go to a grocery store of your choice and watch the produce section, watch who buys “organic”? Better yet, watch who buys “organic”, and how much do they buy? The working class, the less fortunate, the people who live paycheck to paycheck are the ones forced to buy the filler foods, processed and empty, certainly not organic or naturally grown!

Giving Vegetable Gardens Charity is trying to change that, starting from the bottom up! Starting with the people that normally wouldn’t have access to food grown Naturally, void of anything that will hurt them! We grow our food using methods these “Organic” farms use, in fact we go one better, we use the same methods the “Naturally Grown” farms use we just haven’t gotten our certification yet because everyone wants money to use their ” Method”. We grow our food naturally, and give that food to the ones in need, through agencies that are local right here in Portland, Oregon City, and West Linn Oregon! We believe that everyone should have the “RIGHT” to eat food that is good for them, so that’s what we do, and we need your help to keep it going! we need to file our 501c3, we need a cargo bike for NE and SE Portland deliveries, we need everyone to go to our “GOFUNDME” page and give what you can? Even a coffees worth will help! Many hands make light work! Our three gardens cannot keep up with the demand, but that’s a good thing, because that tells us we are on the right track! More gardens means more food, more food means healthier people and a better life from the bottom up! Our website and Facebook Page are easily found as is the “gofundme” thanks everyone that has helped us and thank you to everyone who is even considering to help, it is a noble cause and one you should connect with!

Cheers and God Bless

Bob and everyone at Giving Vegetable Gardens Charity


We Need your help to get the food to the ones who need it most!!


I want you all to know that by helping us, even if it’s a small amount, you will be helping us feed the less fortunate, the challenged and the shut ins with food that is good for them, void of any harmful pesticides and herbicides and all our seed stock is non GMO,GE and GM! We need your help! We are our brothers keeper and it does take a village! We need to stand together and take the growing of our food back into our own hands and try our best at taking the government out of it!
Please help us!
Thank you for your support!
Cheers and God Bless
Your Bob
Click here to support Giving Vegetable Gardens Charity by Bob Dinges